

venerdì 21 aprile 2023

Of tea with love

I love Chinese culture, I was fascinated by their way of preparing the various types of tea not to mention their precious porcelain.

That's why today I want to tell you about a Chinese site, dedicated to this drink, in fact on


we find the various types of tea such as dried flowers, seeds and flowers and Dried Chinese Jujubes Leisure Tea which are dried at very low temperatures and then cut into slices so that they do not lose all the sweet aroma of the product.


 seeds and flowers and Dried Chinese Jujubes Leisure Tea which are dried at very low temperatures and then cut into slices so that they do not lose all the sweet aroma of the product.

As we have all seen, preparing tea is an art that must be savored calmly, knowing the times and ways of tasting, without ever forgetting the importance of the teapot and the cups that are used for each type of tea.

To pour tea for a guest it would be advisable not to put the spout of the teapot in relation to the latter, it would be very disrespectful.

These are just little tidbits I know about Chinese culture.

To make no mistake, I suggest you visit this store which, in addition to seeing many types of tea, also has very delicate Chinese ceramic glass cups in both modern and ancient style.

All items are hand painted, and each one has an illustrated legend or a beautiful narrative that will fascinate you.


 is the best site that sells many types of tea Green tea Oolong tea Black tea Dark tea, White tea.

The site is easy to navigate with beautiful images and also a very useful translator that you will find on the side, just choose the country that interests you.

To select the products, just click on them to see them larger and on the side you can buy them.

There are many payment methods both with payment cards but also with paypal.

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